

Over the last three years, the city of Žilina reinvested more than 1.5 million euros in the implementation of several green measures, the purpose of which was to reduce the reduction of greenhouse gases and increase the city's ability to adapt to climate change and its effects. "Climate change in the environment of Žilina manifests itself mainly in the increase of air temperature in the summer, the variability of precipitation totals and the alternation of dry and short rainy periods. Part of the project measures was therefore devoted to reducing the overheating of urbanized locations, for example by planting numerous trees," explained the project manager of the Municipal Office in Žilina, Ivana Stillerová. According to her, 638 new trees were planted directly in the city. In addition to the trees themselves, the streets of Žilina were beautified by mobile greenery, especially in locations where the planting of classic greenery was not possible. The modification of the municipal office was also solved ecologically, on which a green roof was built, which resulted in protection against temperature fluctuations, the retention of rainwater and the creation of a healthy microclimate.

In addition to the green roof, a revitalized area with greenery was created in front of the city hall, where residents can relax on benches. Thanks to the project, a unique place for relaxation was created in the Trnové district. Park St. Juraja has been turned into a biopark, which includes a restored wetland with a wooden walkway. This area of ​​the park acts on the surroundings as a significant eco-stabilizing element, accumulates rainwater and increases biodiversity in the surroundings. The replanting of part of the forest in Zástraní and the revitalization of a selected area within the Chrasť Forest Park also contributed to mitigating climate change. "Thanks to the grant, we also managed to procure some of the necessary collection containers for the collection of biodegradable waste, which were placed in selected locations of the city. Another project activity was the purchase of two electric cars for delivering meals to seniors and also reducing the energy demand of the A. Kmeť Kindergarten building," added Stillerová. According to her, an important part of the project is the creation of the City of Žilina Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change. This is an important document that established an approach to problems related to climate change and identified measures for the sustainable functioning of the city of Žilina in the conditions of a changing climate during the 21st century. As the mayor of Žilina Peter Fiabáne stated, the deteriorating climate situation and especially mitigating its negative impacts has been one of the priority topics of the town hall for several years. "Thanks to the project supported by a Norwegian grant, we were able to implement several activities through which we contributed to the fight against climate change and improved the standard of living of our residents. We systematically set the individual steps in such a way as to protect the city as much as possible in relation to climate change. We will continue with green solutions, planting greenery and other climate measures in the future," the mayor specified.